It is a great adventure to go here. So far, I start loving my new environment. :D
Ven conmigo y vamos a viajar a cualquier sitio del mundo para tener más conocimientos sobre la vida, la gastronomía, la cultura y la lengua de los demás.
martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012
Living Up In The City - Singapore
It is a great adventure to go here. So far, I start loving my new environment. :D
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lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012
3 Weeks before Leaving Manila
These few pictures are the children that we are teaching how to live a life of simplicity without losing their faith to Jesus Christ.
Giving tidings shouldn't be all about the money, we can share our blessings by doing volunteer work.
Trabajo Caritativo
sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012
Bienvenido a Singapur
Bienvenido a Singapur, una sociedad cosmopolita e industrializada la religión de Asia Sudoriental.
Pues, de momento, hoy comienzo a vivir aquí.
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Ir de vacaciones,
I Believe I Can Fly - R Kelly
Dream High, Believe it will be done properly and Survive all challenges in LIFE. Do it
"If you really want something done, just do it. Do it hard. Do it well. Don’t pussyfoot… And don’t say bad words." Maria Gloria Macapagal - Arroyo
viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012
See You Soon Manila - Thank You Everyone!!!
Throughout my everyday journey in Manila, I met different set of people and I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful friendship that you have given me. It was a beautiful and fantastic experience being with you all. Should I say, I loved it because it was a superb experience with my dearest friends. I know that everyone made sure to spend their precious time with me. Moreover, it was a good chance to socialize because I had fun talking with all of you. Once again, thank you so much. You are my perfect friends. You made me feel so comfortable and made all of us laugh with everyone's great jokes.
Although I experienced ups and downs, I survived and I enjoyed living in one of the best places in the world, Manila. I am proud to call it home because I lived my whole life here to the fullest but I need to move again experience the best life. When I left Batangas seven years ago for a work in Manila, I thought I wouldn't last and make it because I had so many negative impresion about the city yet now that I will be leaving this city, defenitely, I will miss it. Hopefully soon, I will be coming back here from time to time.
Although I experienced ups and downs, I survived and I enjoyed living in one of the best places in the world, Manila. I am proud to call it home because I lived my whole life here to the fullest but I need to move again experience the best life. When I left Batangas seven years ago for a work in Manila, I thought I wouldn't last and make it because I had so many negative impresion about the city yet now that I will be leaving this city, defenitely, I will miss it. Hopefully soon, I will be coming back here from time to time.
Thank you and enjoy my favorite songs. See you around guys.
Take a look at all pictures with my dearest friends.
domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012
Volunteer @ Idente

Sharing, Being Confident always, Better person, Happiness, Prudent, Patience, Self-restoration, Self-checking, Self-Awareness, Self-Realization, Selflessness, Accountability, Responsibility, Learning from others, Tranquility, Alertness, Assertiveness, Acceptance, Life Balance, Do things moderately, Positive administration of feelings, Understand the life history of other people, Stay Focus, Affection, Beyond the limitation, Result Oriented, Goal Oriented, Do the best without Expectation.
Meanwhile, these are the Big NO NO NO when you help others; like Selfishness, Indifference, Disrespect, Persecution, Discrimination.
Whenever we do something, we have to ask questions from ourselves before volunteering like; what do you feel when helping others? What do you feel when you are improving the way of doing things? These are so important because we need to find the purpose why we help others.
Trabajo Caritativo
jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012
The Phantom of the Opera - Manila tour
Last Sunday I had the privilege to watch the most awaited musical play here in the Philippines with my dearest friends, The Phantom of the Opera. The musical play which was a masterpiece of Andrew Lloyd Webber that started showing in Manila on August 25, 2012 and this has been extended until September 30 at the CCP Main Theater in Pasay, Manila's suburban. This is one of the longest running musical play in Broadway.
My friends and I enjoyed every act that was shown in this tremendous musical play. I was very delighted with my experience watching this well anticipated musical play. Moreover, the details of costumes, lighting and music were carefully chosen to add value to overall performance.
After I had the experience seeing the one greatest productions of The Phantom of the Opera, if will be given the chance, I will watch it in the US or London because I cant stop dreaming to go to watch there.
Enjoy my favorite song.
Enjoy my favorite song.
domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012
Trabajo Caritativo

Mis amigos y yo somos voluntarios identes que es una parte de la Juventud
Idente, la que es una fundación ecuménica, es decir está abierta para católicos
y no. Ayudamos a los Misioneros Identes de Cristo Redentor en una Institución
(congregación) misionera en un trabajo caritativo en diversas actividades.
Nuestra meta es ayudar a los niños pobres para enseñarles buenos valores
morales, catecismo y el arte que viven una zona deprimida en la cuidad de
Quezon que es un suburbano de Manila, la capital metropolita de Filipinas. Los
que nos enseñan distintas lecciones son niños de los obreros que trabajan
dentro de la cuidad que ganan dinero menos de tres dólares al día. Ellos no
tienen privilegios para educarles en un buen colegio. Aunque son pobres de los
pobres, también tienen sus sueños de que algún día ellos puedan contribuir algo
en su comunidad para aliviar su estado de vida en la pobreza.
Estoy muy agradecido porque cada domingo tengo una nueva experiencia cuando
hago el trabajo caritativo. Pues, les cuento una experiencia buena que tuve
cuando nuestro grupo estaba dando las clases a los niños, les pregunté sobre
sus metas personales y me dijeron que ellos querían ser policía, actor, actriz,
dependienta, médico, profesor, soldado etc. Cuando pregunté sobre lo que les
gustarían ser, me di cuante que no sería imposible si hay bastante ayuda del
gobierno filipino y de una organización no gobernamental. Asimismo, en aquel
momento, me di cuenta que si fueramos a educarles bien ellos serían buenos
recursos humanos, económicos y serían fuentes de la fe católica en el porvenir
en este país, los que podrían continuar nuestra misión para dar lecciones a los
niños en el futuro. Además, me respondieron que necetarían ayuda para cumplir
sus sueños y en cambio irían a devolver las gracias en su comunidad.
Ahora, me doy cuenta que compartir las bendiciones que recibimos desde
Nuestro Dios es muy importante. Al hacerlo, esa acción nos da más inspiración a
nosotros mismos para continuar con la meta de nuestra vida y en ello, podemos dar otra oportunidad a las personas
para convivir en sus sueños aunque ellos no tienen recurso suficiente. Aunque
experimentamos muchos desfíos día tras día, continuamos haciendo nuestra misión
de ayuda a los niños porque creemos que
los niños serán buenos ciudadanos con talentos nuestro país.
Admito que muchas veces solo pienso en mí mismo sin hacer caso a alguien.
Sé que el dinero en importante cuando trabajamos pero a veces tenemos que
sacrificar para ayudar a los demás sin esperar a cambio de algo desde ellos. Yo
trabajo sin recibir algo porque deseo realizar y cumplir el mandamiento de
nuestro Dios para ser benevolente como un católico/cristiano.
Para terminar todavía pueden compartir su sabiduría con los niños para que
ellos tengan un buen futuro. Así que vengan a nosotros tambien y para leer más información, visiten este enlace
domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012
H2O = Agua, Water, Tubig
Water gives life to million species on earth. It has a chemical formula H2O which contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Our planet consists of 80% of water and we can only drink 3% of it, from 3% of drinkable liquid, 2% of them can be found in North and South poles and 1% is the water we enjoy to drink everyday.
According to the website of, we feel lighter or our body is getting lighter after conducting exercise because we lose our water supply while we are exercising. Exercise does not instantly remove our fat however many of us have a wrong perception about this.
I would like to share with you the video clip about the experiment of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author of the book Messages from Water. He explained in his writing about the effect of water to human life.
Watch the video presentation of the Dr. Masaru Emoto about his findings.
Water Festival
San Juan! San Juan! Basaan!, Philippines. The water festival is being celebrated during the Feast of San Juan Bautista or Saint John the Baptist. It is celebrated every June 24 by dousing and sprinkling of water or by family excursion to the beach or riverside.
Songkran Festival, Thailand. It is the most celebrated festivity in Thailand that starts from April 13 and ends between 3 & 10 days - depending on where you are in Thailand. The word Songkran is from the Sanskrit meaning the beginning of a new Solar Year. The Thai people celebrate this festival with water. Everyone gets soaking wet and since it is the hottest season of the year, the custom is quite refreshing. Songkran is a Public Spring Cleaning Day, supported by the religious belief that anything old and useless must be thrown away or it will bring bad luck to the owner. During the afternoon of the 13th, Buddha images are bathed as part of the ceremony. Young people pour scented water into the hands of elders and parents as a mark of respect while seeking the blessing of the older people. In ancient days, old people were actually given a bath and clothed in new apparel presented by the young folks as a token of respect for the New Year.
Omizutori, Japan. The annual sacred Water-Drawing festival, is a Japanese Buddhist festival that takes place in Japan. The festival is the final rite in observance of the two week-long Shuni-e ceremony. This ceremony is to cleanse the people of their sins as well as to usher in the spring of the New Year. Once the Omizutori is completed, the cherry blossoms have started blooming and spring has arrived.
Fiesta del Agua or Festa de Agua, Spain. The Water Festival is being held in Villagarcía de Arousa, on the coast of Pontevedra, Galicia. It started during a blazing hot 16th August in the mid-1980s during festivities in honor of the town’s patron saint, San Roque. Nowadays, the Minister of National Tourism recognised as the Fiesta del Agua, or Festa de Agua in the Galician language, attracts tens of thousands to the town every year, as the crowds in the streets delight in getting thoroughly soaked.
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