This season is the best time to enjoy the sun, to relax and to have more fun with friends and family on vacations and in different adventures. While enjoying your summer with friends and family, of course, don't forget to eat Halo-Halo. This is a popular Filipino dessert which has a mixture of shaved ice and evaporated milk; which are added various boiled sweet beans and fruits. This is served in a tall glass and this is a perfect dessert to enjoy on a hot summer day.
Ven conmigo y vamos a viajar a cualquier sitio del mundo para tener más conocimientos sobre la vida, la gastronomía, la cultura y la lengua de los demás.
domingo, 28 de abril de 2013
Summer Is Definitely On!
jueves, 25 de abril de 2013
G - Force = G Shock
Go for the Gold! This is our theme for this year. My friends & I recently discussed & shared some thoughts of positive way on how to combat our challenges towards life and work. Of course, all of us agreed to have balance and quality life.
To my dear friends, I would like to take this opportunity to commend you for your efforts and great success with your current project. I hope you stay motivated and reliable and believe in yourselves that you have the best job in the world. I appreciate the effort you are exerting to do all the best that you could.
Well, what's next to do? My friends & I will join the running event for a charity cause. We would like our next race more meaningful by running for a cause that will truly inspire us. This event will benefit the cancer patient.
miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013
Ir de compras al centro de Mustafa - Singapur
El Centro Comercial de Mustafa es my increíble porque hay muchas cosas baratas que tu puedes comprar y el lugar donde puedes comer la auténtica comida india. Es decir, hay muchas gangas en todas las partes del centro. Además, este centro comercial esta abierto durante de 24 horas al día. Pues, por esta razón, esta noche mis amigos y yo nos decidimos ir allí para comprar y conseguir los productos que valen muchísimo menos comparando en otro mercado. Así, vale la pena comprar las cosas porque hemos podido ahorrar un poco de dinero.
lunes, 22 de abril de 2013
Jollibee in Singapore
The long wait was over! Ever since this Filipino food chain opened last month, it attracted so much customers. My friends and I planned many times just to buy good food here but we failed because of the long queues. This afternoon we finally made it and we were able to stand-up in the very long queue so that we would be able to eat a chicken with Filipino taste. It took more than 30 minutes before we reached the counter so that our order would be taken. For us, this was just an ordinary cooked chicken but the taste was great because it wasn't dry. It was juicy fried chicken.
Jollibee Singapore officially opened on March 12 and it attracted strong response from food lovers. This was the first time Jollibee Food Corporation opened a store in Singapore and according to sources, they will open the second store possibly in the next quarter.
jueves, 18 de abril de 2013
It's Over - JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge
Before running and as part of my routine, I drink a lot of water to make sure that my body was properly hydrated because it is summer season here in Singapore. I also have done some stretching so that my blood would circulate properly and my muscles would not tense up.
It started at exactly 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. In the beginning, we started running together from the starting line. However, as we ran, I noticed that I left them behind because their pacing is a slower than mine. Although I was the first to cross the finish line, I had to wait for them for the collection of our loot bags.
My friends and I together with my colleagues at work had a great run this afternoon. Finally, we completed the running challenge which was hosted by JP Morgan.
Manila, Filipinas
Marina Mall, Singapore
domingo, 14 de abril de 2013
Mini Reunion

“There's always a good lesson in meeting new people, its enlarging your circle of friends. And though there are times you don't match with their likes, there are some whom you just blend well.” Anonymous
sábado, 13 de abril de 2013
TGIF - Celebrating A Good Life
Living and doing what we love is also celebrating our lives' huge wins. So, last night my friends and I went shopping to reward ourselves. We spent few bucks last night to “relieve stress” and we call it stress buster. Well, even if feel stress it doesn't mean we have to do shopping constantly. Hence, stress is normal and overcoming or managing it in our lives maybe a different factor. Of course, we have to buy something that is a necessity to our daily living. We know that if we do it excessively, it will produce the opposite effect like wasting hard-earned-money. For us, shopping can be one of the best stress relief techniques and most importantly, we enjoy it. Anyway, it is not all about money.
After buying few items, we decided eat our dinner and there's so many options where to eat out but we decided to spend our night at Punggol Promenade Riverside Walk. Then, we bought pizza, chicken & drinks from a take away restaurant. the food it's really great.
After reaching the riverside, we sat at a bench opposite the waterways. While eating, we didn't notice that we had three hour long talk and it made us feel so good. We talked anything while watching the constellation. With the use of my friend's Google application, we started searching zodiac signs, stars, meteorites, planets and many other galaxy creatures. We shared stories about Nazca lines, horror movies, sightings of UFO, and our usual talk will not end without tackling the local show business in the Philippines, popular Hollywood stars and great leaders in the world.
Finally, we have cleaned up our waste, to make sure we do something little greener for our environment.
That's all folks for now and I hope you enjoy reading my blog entries. Thank you and have a nice day!
jueves, 11 de abril de 2013
Mi éxito está de vuelta
Este mes empieza el segundo trimestre del año por 2013 y empiezo invitar otra vez el estado de ánimo que es muy positive para hacer las cosas muy fácil. Quiero compartir con ustedes que esta tarde he recibido el reconocimiento en mi trabajo. Mis jefes me lo han dado porque ellos me dicen que tengo mucha confiancia en mi trabajo para hacerlo.
Ahora, recuerdo mi objetivo al llegar a Singapur que es tener éxito en todo lo que hago y creo que he alcanzado esta cifra y me hace muy feliz. La verdad es que amo lo que quiero, amo todo lo que hago y me siento muy orgulloso de mí mismo. Ademas tengo mucha emoción. Pues, a partir de hoy les juro que lucharé y viviré los días como si fuera Navidad. Seré un repartidor de dones y les daré a mis enemigos el don del perdón; a mis oponentes, el de la tolerancia; a mis amigos, el de una sonrisa y el de un buen ejemplo; y a todos esos regalos irán envueltos en un amor incondicional. Trabajaré con el conocimiento de que nunca se ha logrado nada grande sin entusiasmo. Para hacer cualquier cosa digna de hacerse, no debo retroceder tembloroso, pensando el peligro, sino saltar al frente con entusiasmo y salir adelante tan bien como me sea possible."
"Mi éxito es poder mantener un ritmo alto desde el principio hasta el final" - Jaime Alguersuari, un piloto español de Fórmula Uno
martes, 9 de abril de 2013
Los Despachadores de los Servicios de Logística - En Acción
¿Qué tipo de entrenamiento hay que hacer para competir en una Carrera? Pues, el entrenamiento no es sencillo porque hay que practicar movimientos muchas veces a la semana. Les doy unas pocas sugerencias para seguir adelante con su mini plan de formación de marathon.
1. Haga algunas rutinas básicas y simples como caminar o corer para quemar calorias.
2. Coma bien; una dieta con buena nutrición y una dieta balanceada es muy importante para proteger su salud y sus músculos. Evita beber refrescos y bebidas que contienen mucho azucar.
3. Duerma mucho para tener más energía y si duerme mucho, evitará ganar más peso.
4. Piénsalo Bien. Según estudios científicos, cuando hace correr, tiene una buena excusa ideal para encontrar buenos pensamientos para que tenga calma o tranquilidad.
5. Correr en grupo tiene mucha ventaja. Cada vez más compañeros cuando sale a corer, es más feliz.
lunes, 1 de abril de 2013
Next Run - J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge: Singapore

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