Well, it is not because I didn't plan my itineraries carefully but there are so many activities to do yet there is a limited time. And today almost all of my schedules collided because of my work, school, prior commitments like party invitations, social responsibility, physical and church activity, etc.
After my last night's shift (Friday), I went to the school early in morning to get my letter of recommendation (for future use) but I failed to get it since the letter wasn't ready yet. Then I decided to go in the bookstore to I purchase books for my french class (wow super excited!!!).
Afterwards, I thought of using the train going to my place was the fastest way but I was wrong, it took almost an hour for me to use the train's cab because there were to many people inside. Whew!!! And, when I was finally home I though I could get some sleep so that I have enough energy but I was wrong. My sister was watching a live streaming movie in the internet with high volume and I immediately instructed her to use the headset but the headset was busted. Then again, as much as I would want to complain, I couldn't do it. Moreover, I needed to be more patient and more polite and of course I need to be considerate. Because I couldn't sleep, I covered my new books and the time went too fast. It was 4:30 when I remembered that I still have another activity, which was watching the movie with my teammates in the office. Of course I wouldn't allow myself skipping the movie because I was part of the Number 1 team, hahaha.
I just finished Ghost Protocol with Team Duy's movie treat. And finally I'm home and my sister is now sleeping but I can't sleep because I'm afraid that I won't be able wake up to attend with Dinah Castillo's party in Opus, hahaha. Now, I'm consuming my precious time writing in my blog so that I will not forget what I did to my lovely life. I'm writing this composition as part of my battle towards Alzheimer's disease in my old age because I always have no proper sleeping pattern.
This is my life and I always feel alive which is in contrast to what my co-workers were saying, they commented that I have a boring life. OMG, that comment was so pathetic because I can see themselves lifeless and wasting their time in nonsense gossips.
After the party tonight with Dinah, my friends and I will go to church for the mass. Then I will go home and I will sleep because I still have Sunday's activities:
1. Company Christmas Party
2. Friends in Instituto Party
3. Rodale's Party
I think I will just sleep for 8 hours this coming Monday but take note on Monday night I have to work again. hahaha
Rule number one, Get Life and always be healthy.
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